Fenugreek - Nutarium

Fenugreek and Oats

Fenugreek and oats are both natural remedies, but they may turn out to be a match made in heaven. Fenugreek is a plant that has been used for centuries by many cultures to restore milk supply after childbirth or illness. And while fenugreek hasn't been studied rigorously enough to warrant FDA approval, it does seem to have promising results.

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Oats, on the other hand, have long been used as a soothing herb for their remarkable ability at promoting healthy skin and hair. It's also been proven time and time again that oats can help people with type-2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels. Never before has the synergy between fenugreek and oats been explored, but recent studies suggest that they may be great partners in the healing process.

Fenugreek is the dried fruit of an herb that belongs to the same family as peas, beans, and lentils. It has several active components that are thought to be responsible for the milk-stimulating properties of fenugreek, including diosgenin and coumarins. The substance responsible for fenugreek's bitter taste is 4-hydroxy isoleucine, which can be oxidized into a substance called 4-hydroxyphenyl-isoleucine. This compound attaches itself to receptors in your mammary glands that usually respond to prolactin after a woman gives birth.

Oats have been used medicinally for centuries. Oats are high in dietary fiber, which helps your body maintain a healthy weight. They also contain beta-glucan, which may be responsible for some of the cholesterol-lowering effects of oats. Because of their rich source of antioxidants, oats are excellent at neutralizing free radicals.

Both fenugreek and oats are used by women to stimulate milk production after childbirth or when an infant is ill. Many mothers use fenugreek while nursing infants to stimulate milk production because babies who aren't getting enough nutrition can develop food intolerances that can lead to chronic illness.

Fenugreek and oats on their own have been shown to produce beneficial effects. The next logical step is to see if these two natural remedies can help each other work even better than they already do.

Turns out that the answer is a resounding yes! A study published in the journal Breastfeeding Medicine tested eight different herbs and spices for their ability to stimulate milk production in women after giving birth. Fenugreek and oats were both included in this test, which used 40 new mothers at a maternity hospital in Zhejiang, China. The results showed that fenugreek and oats were one of the top-performing herbs for stimulating milk production. One of the most promising aspects of these two herbs is that they both help to aid in the healing processes of your body as well as provide nutritional benefits.

Because fenugreek and oats are both considered vitamins, they need to be supplemented with food for them to be effective. As a result, it is recommended that women who wish to use both fenugreek and oats take one teaspoon at a time with breakfast and lunch. Because these herbs can be very bitter tasting, their use may require further explanation and support from your healthcare provider.


Fenugreek is an herb that is similar to clover, it can be found in Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean region. The seeds can be used in medicine and cooking. Fenugreek contains compounds called furostanolic saponins, which are believed to increase testosterone production.

Several studies have shown that taking fenugreek supplements can improve symptoms associated with low testosterone by restoring the body's ability to produce testosterone by reducing estrogen production and regenerating liver cells.

A 12-week study in 50 men demonstrated that those who took a daily 500-mg fenugreek supplement that contained concentrated amounts of protodioscin experienced significant improvements in their testosterone levels.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is an herb that belongs to the legume family, which includes peas, beans, and lentils. It's native to India, where it's traditionally used as a food flavoring or spice. Fenugreek has also been used for hundreds of years in countries around the world to thicken soups and increase lactic acid levels in pickled vegetables. Fenugreek is most commonly found dried or powdered. It can also be cooked in its fresh or dried form.

Fenugreek is sometimes used to relieve digestive problems, but its most remarkable use comes in the area of breastfeeding. Fenugreek works like natural breastfeeding hormones (prolactin, oxytocin, and luteinizing hormone) that are triggered when breastfeeding. It can help restore menses after childbirth or improve their return after it has stopped. It can also increase fertility in women who are having difficulty conceiving. For these reasons, fenugreek has long been popular with nursing mothers who want to boost their milk supply and lactation.

Benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an excellent source of vitamins B6, C, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and manganese. It's most well-known for its ability to increase lactation in nursing mothers. Since the plant has traditionally been used to increase breast milk supply in third world nations, there are many anecdotal reports that it does indeed work. Some studies have shown that fenugreek-containing products actually increase breast milk supply by about 10%.

Fenugreek also appears to be effective in decreasing the rate of postpartum hemorrhage, which has been proven to help patients regain their strength faster. It may also help women who suffer from osteoporosis because it helps to increase bone density.

However, the real benefits of fenugreek may not be so obvious. It's actually been proven to boost thyroid function in humans and has even shown benefits in treating hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). It can help boost milk production in lactating mothers by helping to lower estrogen levels in the body. Because of this action, fenugreek can help to treat and prevent many female hormone-related problems such as PMS and menopause.

Fenugreek is also a great source of fiber and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. As an excellent source of protein, it helps to increase muscle mass and tone the pelvic muscles. It's also been proven effective in preventing breast cancer.

Cons of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is safe when used in moderation. It works best when taken over a long period of time rather than just a few days at a time for women trying to increase their breast milk supply. It can actually cause gastrointestinal issues, so it is recommended that women who are pregnant or have gastrointestinal issues avoid taking fenugreek.

Fenugreek also should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy. There isn't enough information available to say whether it can harm a developing fetus or cause other problems in the early stages of pregnancy, but the FDA recommends that pregnant women avoid using fenugreek until they are at least three months pregnant.

Allergies may occur in individuals who are allergic to other legumes such as peanuts, soybeans, and lentils. Individuals sensitive to fennel oil may also experience side effects from this herb.


Oats are the seeds of a grass called Avena sativa, which is more commonly known as common oat or wild oat. They are native to Europe and are now cultivated around the world. Oats can be used to produce many foods, including cereal, granola bars, biscuits, cookies, crackers, beer, whiskey, and vodka. The oil extracted from oats is used in skin products because it's often used on sensitive skin. It may also be helpful for rashes or eczema.

Oatmeal has been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol levels and provide healthy amounts of soluble fiber. Oatmeal can also help lower your risk of stroke. Oatmeal is also an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B1, B6, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and the amino acid arginine.

Benefits of Oats

Oatmeal can help you to lose weight and lower your cholesterol level. It's also an excellent source of soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Oatmeal is a great food for people with diabetes because it is high in essential minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium. Studies have even shown that oatmeal may increase beta-carotene (a nutrient that is converted to vitamin A) absorption and improve your eyesight after eating oatmeal multiple times a week for several weeks.

Oats can help with digestion because they are soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is known to lower cholesterol levels by trapping bad cholesterol in your digestive tract. Because oats contain soluble fiber, they can also help to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Two studies proved that daily ingestion of oat bran can actually reduce fasting glucose levels by as much as 10%. This may be due to the fact that oatmeal contains high amounts of beta-glucan molecules (soluble fiber). Beta-glucan molecules are known to have an anti-diabetic effect because they bind with the insulin receptors in the body. This binding helps to block the receptor sites, thus preventing insulin from being absorbed into your bloodstream.

Oats are also a rich source of plant-based omega-3s, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and E. They are also an excellent source of soluble fiber, which is known to help stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetics. They contain more beta carotene than orange juice and up to 50% more vitamin A than carrots. Butter made from oats is often used for both common colds and flu because it's an excellent source of vitamin D.

Oats can help to prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering blood pressure levels. In fact, they're so beneficial that cereal companies often add them to their products because they're so high in nutrients. Oat bran is also known to dramatically lower your cholesterol level because it contains soluble fiber that helps remove bad cholesterol from your body.

Cons of Oats

Oat flakes can be high in gluten, which can cause problems for those who suffer from celiac disease or those who are gluten-sensitive. As oat flour is often used to thicken soups, gluten-free oats are often used in place of regular oats when preparing these dishes. Oat flour can be made from non-gluten ingredients that are not suitable for people with celiac disease or wheat allergies.

Oatmeal can also have unpredictable effects on digestion. It's often recommended for people who have digestive problems to eat it with milk so that their stomach acids can break down the complex sugars in oatmeal. For some individuals, however, this combination may cause gas, bloating, upset stomach, or diarrhea because these symptoms are caused by something other than undigested carbs.

It has also been shown that some people have a hard time digesting oatmeal if they are experiencing digestive problems of their own. Individuals with serious digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease may experience severe upset stomachs from eating oats. In fact, if you're having severe gastrointestinal issues, including abdominal pain and nausea, you should consult a medical professional before taking the recommended dosage of this herb.

The last thing to keep in mind is that oatmeal may cause gas and bloat for some people who eat a lot of fiber. Consuming too much fiber can cause problems for those individuals with already weak digestive systems. A sudden increase in the amount of fiber you consume can cause severe gas and bloat. To prevent this from happening, try adding more fiber to your diet slowly. Adding more fiber to your diet too quickly can lead to gas and bloating.

The benefits of oats are numerous, but they are also accompanied by some side effects for some individuals. Consult your doctor before using this herb if you're on any medications or have severe digestive problems. If you are experiencing severe gas or bloating, try cutting out oats from your daily diet until the symptoms pass.

How to Use Fenugreek and Oats Together?

Oats are incredibly easy to cook with. Simply cook them in water until they're ready. And while oats can be eaten with almost anything, fenugreek can give oatmeal a completely unique taste. Fenugreek is also easy to find in most health food stores or in bulk in specialty stores. When choosing fenugreek, make sure it doesn't contain any preservatives because they may change the taste of your oats. Both seeds are available in health food stores or online.

It's important to note that you may have an allergic reaction to fenugreek if you are sensitive to peanuts or chickpeas.

A small amount of fenugreek and oats are cooked together in a blender until it's smooth. You can add honey or maple syrup if you like, butNutiva™ Vanilla Extract (or another extract such as Cinnamon Vanilla) may add a nice touch.

What we don't know about Fenugreek and Oats together: Food synergy is often discussed, but little has been proven scientifically. One study raised the possibility that fenugreek may help to manage diabetes by restoring sensitivity to insulin. However, no major studies have been done on this topic.

What You Can Do with Fenugreek and Oats Together?

There are many ways you can incorporate these two herbs into your daily diet. Here are a few ideas:

Fenugreek can be made into tea by boiling the dried herb in water for 10 minutes. You can also make a syrup by letting it steep like tea and then adding honey as needed (fennel seed, thyme, and cinnamon may be added as well).

Dried fenugreek can be mixed with milk or yogurt to make a delicious curry, or it can be used by itself to treat sore nipples.

You can also grind the dried herb into a powder and mix it with water for an herbal tea for sore throats.

Fenugreek may help increase breast milk supply and oats may help reduce blood sugar levels. You can mix them to make a sweet mash by adding either fenugreek or oats to boiled milk.

You can also blend the two herbs into a smoothie. The combination of oats and fenugreek is especially good for diabetics because it supplies healthy fiber, protein, and vitamin E, all of which are known to lower blood sugar levels. You can also mix the two into a shake to help cure hypoglycemia.

How Much Fenugreek & Oats Should I Take?

For most people, fenugreek extract is considered safe enough to take for short periods of time at low doses (up to 200mg daily), but this varies greatly depending on your ailments. If you're trying fenugreek for a specific ailment, it's a good idea to consult a doctor or herbalist to find out if it's the right treatment for your problem.

Oats are considered safe in adults at doses of 5-9 grams per day (about one cup). There are no known side effects in most cases. However, if you're allergic to it or another in the grass family (rye, wheat, etc), you may experience skin irritation when consuming oats. There's also evidence that although oats may help diabetics lower their blood sugar levels, they can also cause blood sugar levels to rise in patients without diabetes.

How Long Should I Take Fenugreek and Oats Together?

When using herbal supplements, it's important to monitor your progress and discontinue use if you don't notice improvements after a reasonable amount of time. If you experience any adverse reactions, stop taking the herb immediately. Like with most remedies, it's best to consult with your doctor or herbalist before adding fenugreek and oats into your diet. A healthy diet is always the best way to promote good health, so make sure that you're getting all of the nutrients that your body needs without overloading on unhealthy fats or sugars.

Take your time when using this combination - you can't expect results right away. It's best to follow the dosage guidelines on the label of your fenugreek or oatmeal supplement. While some people are able to use oatmeal regularly, others notice that it causes bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Remember, while it may seem like a great idea to put fenugreek in your favorite foods or mix it into different recipes, that's not true of all healthy foods. You should refrain from adding fenugreek into foods for children under 12 years old because they are more vulnerable to its side effects. If you're pregnant, refrain from taking fenugreek until after your child is born.

When using herbal supplements it's important to note that fenugreek may lower insulin levels and blood sugar levels, a combination that can prove dangerous to those who have type 2 diabetes.

If you have been diagnosed with blood sugar disorders such as diabetes, it's a good idea to consult your doctor before taking fenugreek or oats because they may interact with your medication. In most cases, they are safe for individuals without diabetes as well as those without pre-existing health conditions.

Fenugreek can lower blood sugar levels, making it unsafe to take if you already have type 1 diabetes. It's also important to note that fenugreek may interfere with blood sugar regulators used to treat type 2 diabetes. Fenugreek may also interfere with medications for high cholesterol.

Fenugreek Tea Recipe


1 teaspoon dried fenugreek leaves (or 1 dessertspoon freshly grated, chopped fenugreek leaves)

4 cups water or milk (add honey if you like)

honey (optional) Directions: Place the teabag in two cups of boiling water for five minutes. Remove, strain through a cheesecloth, and then place the tea bag in a cup of cold water to halt the fermentation process. Add sweetener to taste. If you're using fresh fenugreek instead of dried, use 1 teaspoon full strength. You can also use four cups of boiling water, four cups of cold water, and cheesecloth for straining.

Oats Tea Recipe


1/2 cup rolled oats, uncooked (or 1/2 cup oats flakes)

4 cups water or milk (add honey to taste) Directions: Put 1/2 cup of oats in a saucepan with the teabag. Add the 4 cups of boiling water. Cover and steep for five minutes. Remove the teabag and add sweetener to taste. If you're using cornmeal instead of oats, use 1/4 cup instead (1/4 cup cornmeal to 3 3/4 cups hot water).

Fenugreek and Oats Smoothie Recipe


1 frozen banana, sliced into pieces or thirds

1 cup of raspberries or strawberries (or any other type of fruit you like)

1/2 cup oats (uncooked) Directions: Place ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and serve immediately. Variations: Try adding cinnamon, cardamom pods, and cloves for an aromatic delight; add spinach for a nutritional boost; add lemon juice instead of water for extra vitamin C; add black tea leaves to make the taste stronger; add coconut milk to make it creamier; add fresh ginger to make it spicy